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Interface ElementGears

This interface is only for documentation purposes. It cannot be implemented since all methods have symbolic names.


  • ElementGears



Optional internalChangedCallback

  • internalChangedCallback(propertyName: PropertyKey, oldValue: unknown, newValue: unknown): void
  • A method that is invoked when an internal property is assigned. The behavior is identical to attributeChangedCallback. It does trigger an update each time it is invoked.

    The callback is called right AFTER the property is assigned.


    • propertyName: PropertyKey

      a property name (either string or symbolic).

    • oldValue: unknown

      a value of the property that was before the update started.

    • newValue: unknown

      a new value to set to the property.

    Returns void

Optional propertyChangedCallback

  • propertyChangedCallback(propertyName: PropertyKey, oldValue: unknown, newValue: unknown): void
  • A method that is invoked when a regular property is assigned. The behavior is identical to attributeChangedCallback. It does not trigger a re-rendering if the oldValue is equal to newValue (by the strict equality check ===).

    The callback is called right AFTER the property is assigned.


    • propertyName: PropertyKey

      a property name (either string or symbolic).

    • oldValue: unknown

      a value of the property that was before the update started.

    • newValue: unknown

      a new value to set to the property.

    Returns void

Optional render

  • render(): unknown
  • A method that is invoked each time any of the component properties (either attribute, regular or internal) causes re-rendering. The method work synchronously; returned result of its work will be handled by a renderer function.

    If you do not define this method, rendering won't ever happen on your element.

    Returns unknown

Optional updatedCallback

  • updatedCallback(): void
  • A method that is invoked each time the rendering is over and the component acquires the new state. This method is not called during the initial render (connectedCallback is invoked instead).

    Returns void

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