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External module @corpuscule/utils/lib/reflectClassMethods

This module provides tools to extract existing methods of the class to the object to use later.


import reflectClassMethods from '@corpuscule/utils/lib/reflectClassMethods'




  • reflectClassMethods<N>(klass: any, methodNames: ReadonlyArray<N>, fallbacks?: Partial<Record<N, Function>>): Record<N, Function>
  • Extracts all methods mentioned in names from the target, puts them together into the separate object and returns it. If the method does not exist in the target, the function from the fallbacks under the same name will be used. If there is no appropriate element in the target or the fallbacks, the method will be a noop function.

    Type parameters

    • N: PropertyKey


    • klass: any

      a class declaration prototype.

    • methodNames: ReadonlyArray<N>

      a list of names of methods to extract.

    • Optional fallbacks: Partial<Record<N, Function>>

      a list of fallback functions to replace methods which are missing in the target.

    Returns Record<N, Function>

    an object that has a method for all keys mentioned in the names array. Method could be a target method (both own or inherited), a fallback function or a noop.


    class Foo {
      public foo() {
        console.log('foo called');
    class Bar extends Foo {
      public bar() {
        console.log('bar called');
    const fallbacks = {
      baz() {
        console.log('baz called');
    const bar = new Bar();
    const reflection = reflectClassMethods(bar, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'boo'], fallbacks);
    reflection.foo(); // foo called
    reflection.bar(); // bar called
    reflection.baz(); // baz called
    reflection.boo(); // <nothing happens>

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